Friday, April 5, 2013

Dolce Vita

Alex had cell group on 8th March Friday so again missed the wonderful Dolce Vita...

which is soon becoming our favourite restaurant to gather!

It is classy (for Ms Teo)

Child friendly (for the Tans)

and reasonably priced (thanks to the staff discount) and easily accessible (for me)

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My cheeky god daughter

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Happy with her bread stick

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Showing me her Hippo face...

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haha really quite look like...

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the bread basket for the adults...

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the complimentary bacon wrapped cheese... sinfully yummy!

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the ingredients in our favourite lobster bisque!

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with the soup poured in right in front of us from a teapot! a must try!

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the Tans!

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Xtina heavily pregnant with Aria and glowing with motherly love!

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Gillian and i

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with our main course!

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Pan Seared Foie Gras on Steak!

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I love foie gras!

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happy Gillian with her main course until she realised that our plates were actually wrongly placed so hers is medium well instead of medium rare...

but the restaurant promptly got hers replaced... great service!

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i realised i can eat medium rare except till the middle so in future will order medium... hehe!

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the super yummy main course again! going to always order that in future!

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the complimentary chocolates... but since Melody likes them left all for her =)

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