To tell the truth i didnt really research on the price before i brought Alex there for his bday
Just thought he would enjoy it so went ahead n made the reservation online...
Thinking to myself... how expensive can it be...
But i must admit i was abit stunned when i saw the price!
More than $100 for a steak???
I indicated that it is my bf's bday when i made the reservation and the menu had Happy Birthday specially printed on the top! Really thoughtful of them!
His 'U sure u want to pay for this?' face
The GIANT complimentary bread!
I am not a fan of bread but the bday boy was pleased!
The seafood baked appetizer platter... $85
Us with the appetizer platter...
ok fine dining places are always very dark and not at all conducive for taking pics...
my heart pained face... lol!
and the smile that makes it all worth it...
the giant yummy prawn!
the huge scallop wrapped with bacon!
crab cake fully loaded with crab meat!
lobster bisque... $36
but his expression says it all
we both think it is a can skip item on the menu...
the soup was abit too diluted for our liking and not strong enough in taste...
i like the one at Dolce Vita more and that is only $20 i think...
the table deco which is apt for my lazy bday boy born in the year of the pig...
the desserts platter placed next to us to tempt us!
we thought they were models until Alex poked a hole in the cake!
the guilty faced boy!
then came our enormous main course!
busy taking pics to put on facebook
my yummy ribeye!
his humongous 16oz cajun steak... which is the best steak i've ever eaten!
the super delighted bday boy!
our side profiles are not our best profile
my steak was huge thick and yummy too but i just found the Cajun one more flavourful!
and as expected both steaks were too huge for us to finish! especially after the huge appetisers and soup...
with the doggy bag though the only doggy at home is me!
as it was Alex's birthday, the souffle is complimentary (phew!) and Alex picked a chocolate one
the pretty waitress once again took photo for us...
Happy 30th Birthday baby! May you have another more wonderful 30 years and more ahead! Hehe!
Total bill nearly $400
Baby's smile... priceless!
Self taken chilling shots at Mandarin Oriental
Who has the shorter tongue?
the Vday cum Bday white chocolate strawberry mousse cake from Barcook
erm the love christie should be another line but guess they ran out of space...
cutting cake at his house
the cake was delicious (just like everything else from Barcook!) and really pretty
the complimentary pictue to take home from Morton's