Sunday, October 6, 2013

Batam Day 2

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The next morning, baby at the buffet breakfast table...
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I look super round here =P
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haha i love you tiao and peanuts so flooded my porridge with them...

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the cakes and other pastries which were rather hard and not really nice...

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Me by the pool

Outfit of the day:
FOS Colourful Halter Top... cant really remember how much was it and where i bought it but i think is about $7...

Cotton On Shorts that i bought in Australia... were abt SGD12 but in SG was about the same price... Maybe only $2-$5 more ex

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搞笑 baby! 

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Normal baby!

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Ok lah really have a very resort feel... 

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Couple pic

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Changed for a swim! 

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This was from the balcony of our living room...

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Ok the pool is completely out of sight now... 

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In my swimsuit from my Taiwan trip last year... The flowery top can be removed and it is a Tiffany blue bikini... Love it! And only NT999 which is about sgd40 plus... Good support too

Then after that we went for a couple massage in the hotel itself.. Ex though.. I think it was sgd60 plus each for a one hour massage... Not exactly that cheap compared with sg but we were too lazy to head out...

After which was dim sum buffet at the hotel too...
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My favourite har gow.. Since it was a buffet I ate a bunch of these...

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Round 1!

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Fried 龙须糖!lol!

Quite yummy though messy to eat... 

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The Siew Mai... Seriously I can't remember so I guess it was acceptable... But do note this is halal like everything else in this buffet 

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Round 2!

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Baby's standard pose with food...

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Fat arms me!

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The actual round 2

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Yummy considering is chicken 
Really quite like the real thing 

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Some chives dumpling... But I dun like chives...

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Wanton soup... Once again nice cos the prawn is fresh... I like fresh prawns...

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锅贴 and some fried chicken ball with some yellow sauce that is very Thai in taste (or maybe Indo considering this is batam) which baby loved so much that he ate 3 plates!

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More har gow for me and mango prawn roll...

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Dessert! 龟苓膏 for me and almond jelly for baby... 

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love all things pudding in texture but I hate the taste of almond! Like cockroach!

Then after which we were so bored that we checked out and headed to the ferry terminal

Ended up on a 1 hour earlier ferry back to SG

So headed to baby's fave cafe
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Baby's favourite cake - forest noir
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Happy to be back in SG at his fave cafe

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Love the cake too though I always skip the cherries...

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My standard iced mocha... 

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Baby with his standard iced latte

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Hehe baby must be getting sick of me always asking him to take pic so now he just take a few pics at one go let me pick 

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The new super bling calculator I bought after I missed my boat...

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Most childish 30 year old!
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Calculating how much we spent n getting a shock

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"Darling next few weeks cannot buy new clothes Liao..." (Fake conversation)

Ok now is not the time to tell him how much I spent on my last trip to Paris... Lol!happy 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Batam Trip Day 1

Our first overseas trip! Though only by boat! 

Baby had to go batam to visit his company's factory in the day so suggested we did a short weekend getaway! 

As my office was just 2 train stops away from habourfront, I took time off hoping to catch the 530pm ferry over... 

But blur me left my passport in office so missed the ferry so had to take the 730pm one! Sad! 

But I ended up buying a bunch of rubbish at hello kitty fair to kill time! Will show off my buys in a seperate post... If I ever get to it... Lol!

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The salad at the jap restaurant at our hotel, Holiday Inn Batam... 

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It was already dark when I reached loh... So this should be 'Batam 1st Nite'!

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We were starving so gobbled up the salad after this pic... Quite yummy or maybe we were just hungry...

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The resort in the moonlight... 

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Baby with his lychee tea

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not included in set dinner and we had to pay extra

But sorry can't remember how it taste though... 

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My honeydew juice...

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Nothing to wow wow about... 

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This is the teriyaki chicken we ordered on top of our free dinner 

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Lotsa ingredients! 

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Baby with his noodles.. 

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Me with mine! 

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Can't remember what it taste like again so I think is nothing to rave about 

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In the dining area of our suite room... Baby got started without me cos I was so late...

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The living room...

Joke of the day: 
Menu read 
coke 20

Then baby thought wow that is only a few cents in sgd n immediately drank 2... Still keeping the diet coke for me... Aww thanks! 

Small print at end of menu - all prices listed in 1,000 rupiah

So the coke was about sgd3 each! Lol!

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The tv in the living room which I tot was a stupid idea cos now I can't lie in bed and watch tv! 

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Baby making up the bed for me to take pic...

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My silly teddy bear!

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Bathtub! My fave!

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The simple dressing table that looks eerie here...

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Other facilities of the hotel... The games room... 

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Obviously chess is not for us 

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Baby's favourite activity... Chill at hotel olives with overpriced drinks... 

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Trying to cover fat thighs! 

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The unique wine bottle menu

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The molten chocolate cake we waited ages for... 

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Haha baby was lusting for it...

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But it was actually pretty normal...